operations on process in operating system

Ø Operations on process –
·        The process in most system can execute concurrently and they may be created and deleted dynamically.
·        So this system must provide a mechanism for process creation and termination.
1.       Process creation
2.      Process creation
1.         Process creation –
·        A process may create several new process creating process is called parent process and the new process are called the child process.
·        Each of this new process creates other process in form tree structure.
·        All operating system identity process according to a unique PID (process Identifier) number, which is integer number.
·        When a process create a new process, there are number of possibilities for execution exist –
                                                                    i.            The parent process continues to execute concurrently with its children.
                                                                 ii.            The process wait until some or all of its children have terminated
                                                               iii.            The process has new program loaded into it –
In UNIX operating system a new process created by the fork () system call.
exe() system call for execute created process.
Wait () system call for placed device queue or wait state.
In windows operating system new process created using createprocess() system call.
In this function there are two parameters passed - 
b.     Process information


                               Process creation using the fork ( ) system call

2.     Process termination –
·        A process terminate when it finished its execution using exit () system call.
·        At this point the process may return a status value (integer values) to its parent process via wait() system call.
·        All the resources of process including physical and virtual memory open file and input – output buffers are deallocated by the operating system.
·        In window process terminated by terminateprocess() system call.
·        A parent may terminate the execution of one of its children for a several reason such as –
                                                                                  i.            The child has executed its uses of some of the resources that it has been allocated.
                                                                               ii.            The task assign to the child is no longer required.
                                                                             iii.            The parent is existing, and the operating system does not allow a child to continue if its parent terminates.
·        In such system, if a process terminates (either normally or abnormally) then all its children must be terminated is called cascading termination.
·        Terminate a process by using the exit() system call
·        When a process terminates its resources are deallocated by the operating system, but its entry in process table must remain there until the parent call wait(), but whose parent has not yet called wait() is known as zombie process.