Function of operating system

Function of operating system –
Process management
Memory management
File management
• security
Command interpretation
Input/output device
Job control

A. Process management – the process management module of an operting system takecare of the creation and deletion of process,scheduling of various system resources to the diffferent process requesting them and provide mechanism for communication among process.
B. Memory management – the memory management module of an operating system take care of allocation and dellocation of memory space to the various program need of this resource.
C. File management – the file management module of an operating system takecare of file activity such as creating,storing,naming,retriving,sharing,protection etc.
D. Security – protect the resource and information of a computer system against unauthorised access.
E. Command implementation - Take care of interpreting of user command and directing the system resources to handle the request.
F. Input/output device  - coordinating and controlling of various input/output device is the important function of the operating system.
G. Job control – when  the user wants to run the application program it must be communicate with the operating system talling it what to do like – for playing song must be required media player application for start the internet requier web browser application.